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My passion is engaging our business community in a shared effort to support the success of our kids. It is not by accident or chance that over the past ten years I have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars and trained multiple schools and districts to do the same. There is a system and a SCIENCE to effective community engagement. I welcome the opportunity to train your team on the necessary system, strategy and skills sets to produce limitless support for your school. Please review the testimonials from educators and business leaders on my work. 


We can change outcomes for our students! I have conducted hundreds of trainings on community engagement. You cannot be a pilot, chef, or physician without proper training and proven practices implemented as a system of sound work. Unfortunately most folks don't view the same principles when it comes to community engagement. Many districts I have worked with originally claim they have a community engagement department. My district also has one; however, I promise the hundreds of thousands I have generated for my two alternative schools would have never been realized by that department. I am an educator and I say this with the utmost respect. Most school district engagement offices are entirely made up of educators. I have successfully worked in a fortune 100 company along with my twenty years in education. What this means is I am fluent in both languages of business and education. 


Please take a look at a few of my testimonials below many from educational leaders like yourself. I welcome an opportunity for us to discuss my training that will greatly impact the success of your school. My passion is community engagement and I look forward to any potential opportunity to work with your team! The time is now and the one regret I hear after I am hired is that the school wished they had hired me sooner. 


Paul Burke

Non-Traditional School Advocate

(727) 504-6798




Hotel Stay Raffle

Given out Friday 11/5/21 


Hotel Stay Raffle #2

Given Out Friday 11/5/21


Marla Bowie

GA Connections Academy

Virtual School Program receiving training on maximizing relationships 



Alternative Education Principal

Giving testimonial on additional curriculum and more gained by Paul Burke’s Community Engagement 



Principal of Private Charter School

Review information about reengaging supporters you have left behind


Principal Piney Grove Alton Bolden

Review training on having face to face interaction with businesses



Georgia DOE Leadership Testimonial






Thank you Paul for the kudos. I think I can speak for Bob when I say this… You are the only organization we donate to who consistently shows their appreciation for what we do for you all. It makes us feel good knowing there are people out there such as yourself who are humble and grateful.

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